Most of us have daily routines. Routines are great
and I recommend them for good organization. BUT, it's very easy to go about daily routines without even thinking about what we're doing. In fact, there are certain habits and activities that can actually be a waste of our valuable time. Here are eight common practices that most people do...that really don't have to be done the majority of the time.
1. Rinsing Dishes Before Putting Them in the Dishwasher: Are you thoroughly rinsing your dishes before placing them in the dishwasher? If you are, it's really not necessary. Most modern dishwashers are designed to handle food particles and debris. Instead of wasting time and water by pre-rinsing, just scrape off and leftover food and allow the dishwasher to do its job.
2. Towel-Drying Hand-Washed Dishes: If you hand-wash your dishes and you're spending extra time towel-drying each dish, this is an unnecessary step. Invest in a dish rack and let your dishes air dry. 3. Leaving Hair Conditioner on Hair for Extended
Periods: Most quality hair conditioners work within a minute. Leaving it on longer generally does not provide any additional benefit. In fact, in some cases doing so can end up weighing your hair down. After shampooing and rinsing, apply the conditioner. Then take a minute to wash the rest of your body before your rinse the conditioner out.
4. Cleaning the Shower When You are Already Dressed: If you're cleaning the shower when you're fully dressed, switch things up. Make it a habit to clean the shower right after you finish showering, while you're undressed. First off, you're already wet (why risk making your dry clothes wet at another time?). Second, the warm water and steam have already loosened the dirt and grime, making it easier and quicker to clean. By integrating this into your routine, you'll save time and ensure a clean and hygienic shower for your
next use.
5. Checking Email and Notifications Constantly: In today's digital age, we are constantly bombarded with email, social media notifications, and messages. However, constantly checking and responding to these distractions can be a significant time drain. Set specific times
throughout the day to check and respond to email and text messages, allowing you to stay focused on important tasks without interruptions.
6. Watching TV Out of Habit: Television can be a great source of entertainment and relaxation, but mindless channel surfing or binge-watching
out of habit can consume a significant amount of time. It's easy to finish dinner and then sit in front of the TV for 2 or 3 hours at night. Be mindful of the shows you choose to watch and set limits on your TV time.
7. Unnecessary Meetings: Meetings are often seen as necessary for
collaboration and communication, but they can also be a significant drain on time. Take a critical look at the meetings you attend and evaluate their purpose and effectiveness. Avoid scheduling unnecessary recurring meetings, like meetings every Monday, unless you have very clear goals and you always leave those meetings with important actionable steps.
8. Staring into the Refrigerator Hoping for Something Interesting: We've all experienced that moment when we open the refrigerator and stare into it, hoping something appealing will magically appear. This habit is not only unproductive but also a waste of time. Instead, plan your meals in advance and keep a well-stocked fridge so you can quickly and efficiently grab what you need without wasting time
Time is a valuable resource, and it's important to use it wisely. By identifying and eliminating time-wasting activities, we can make the most of our days and achieve greater productivity. Consider implementing these small changes into your daily routine to enjoy the benefits of more
efficient use of time.
Remember, time wasted is time that we can never get back.