GON Reader Letter
This Will Drain Your Cell Phone Battery
Good emergency tips in your September 6 newsletter! One more: The quickest way to drain a cell phone battery is to have it on in an area with weak or no reception. It will use as much power as it can to try to get connected. In poor/no service areas, turn it off, or switch to airplane mode to preserve the battery until you return to a service
area. -- Bob Kaplow
GON Reader Letter #2
An "Unlikely" Kitty Litter Box
My friend, Laura, is a genius. My cat wasn’t confining her deposits to the litter box. Laura suggested a larger box, so I searched on Amazon and the prices were high. In a stroke of inspiration, Laura went to Walmart and bought an underbed storage bin...the large size we were looking for, at a fraction of the cost.
-- Medora Mackinnon
GON Reader Letter #3
Clearing Clutter Has Many Faces
Good morning Maria,
I think your tipping article (July 11 issue) answers questions about what to do about the Subway tipping awkward moment. It threw me off when I first saw this on the payment pad.
I've been a professional feng shui consultant for over 20 years. A major part of consultations is clearing the clutter. Now, it is more of an
issue of what to do with the mountains of stuff left by a relative who has passed. Stuff that meant a lot to them but the kids and grandkids want nothing to do with it and really don't care.
Should they feel guilty they don't want the "treasures?" No. I think it would be helpful to revisit where to take the stuff where it will be of use and appreciated.
Occasionally, I will get stuck with someone who wants to tell the story about each object.
Sometimes clients are just not ready to let go even though they say they are! So be it. A good outcome of this is that it gets them thinking more of letting go.
Bottom line, clearing clutter has many faces. And with a lot of baby boomers losing parents and now also siblings, it's time to take
a good look at the clutter mountain range forming at the horizon.
Thank you!
-- Nan