GON Reader Letter #1
Before Donating, Be Sure It's Worth Donating
I have spent the last week helping at
my church to get ready for their annual rummage sale. So many wonderful items have been donated. It's always eye opening as to how much stuff we all have that we don't need.
I would ask
that when people donate items, no matter the organization, that they make sure the item is worth donating. We have had to sort through damaged books, clothes with tears and holes, and many broken items. I know it is difficult to throw stuff away, but sometimes we need to do just that.
-- Birgit
GON Reader Letter #2
It's OK to Switch
I just want to thank you for such a great newsletter, I learn something new every time I read it.
Your July 1 newsletter sounded just like what I just
went through. I always admired a friend's hair style and asked her where she went, it turned out we went to the same salon, but to different stylists.
The last time I needed a cut, I made
the appointment with her stylist and was extremely happy. To make me even happier, we both received a $10 referral discount on our service.
I have had many compliments on my hair since my latest cut, and scheduled my next appointment with her. Thanks for your inspiration!
-- Karen, Concord Twp, Ohio
GON Reader Letter #3
I Staple the Receipt to the User Guide/Warranty
Hi Maria,
When I purchase a new appliance, tool, exercise equipment etc., I staple the receipt to the user guide/ warranty. I keep all of these in one file, the
most newly purchased to the oldest.
Each year, when preparing for my taxes, I purge this file....discarding information on items I no longer own, along with clearing out my household filing
box of items no longer needed.
Every bit of my paperwork (except the few items in a safe) are easily stored in a compact portable filing box. Best to you!
-- Elizabeth Joy