GON Reader
Hi Maria,
What do you do about pulling the chair up to a table in a restaurant? I try to not touch under the table. Every time I just "see" all the other hands, fingers
that have been there before and to my knowledge these spots do not get wiped or cleaned on a regular basis. I guess one should carry hand sanitizer to use each time?
-- Joyce Peterson, Denison, TX
Maria's Response
Hi Joyce,
I appreciate your attention to cleanliness when dining out. Here are a few thoughts:
1) Pull
the chair up by its sides or backrest. As you mentioned, I highly doubt most restaurants clean the underside of the tables or chairs. Pull the chair up by its sides or backrest to minimize contact with the underside.
2) Remember to wash your hands thoroughly before and after the
meal. This is a simple yet effective way to minimize the risk of germs spreading from surfaces to your hands and eventually to your mouth or face. Also, as you mentioned, always carry a travel-sized hand sanitizer...I like to use that, specifically, after handing the menu back to the server.
3) Eat outside. If available, outdoor seating can often be a more reassuring option, as natural elements like sunlight and fresh air can contribute to a cleaner environment. Of course, if you live in a cold-weather area like I do, eating outdoors this time of year is not always possible.
4) Wipe Down Surfaces: You could carry a small pack of sanitizing wipes and give the chair and table a quick wipe before sitting down. This may give you an added layer of peace of mind.
Of course, while it's important to take steps to ensure your
comfort, it's also essential not to let these worries overshadow your dining experience. Being
mindful of these small steps gives me a sense of control over my dining environment...and I hope they help you as well.