GON Reader Letter #1
More Great Stocking Stuffers
Thank you for your November 29th issue: 5 Way Awesome Stocking Stuffers. I also love these items for
stocking stuffers!
Foldable reading glasses: These have blue light blocking and anti-UV glare.
charger: This one is slim, compatible with iPhones, Androids, and Samsungs, and is great for when you're out and about and your phone runs out of power.
S-Biner Slidelock: Great for holding your keys, water bottles, and many other items!
Thanks for the great
-- Kathy from California
GON Reader Letter #2
Organized Gift "Wrapping"
Regarding your November 22nd issue, my old church made fabric bags that they sold as a fundraiser. There were all sorts of fabric used. Some of the Christmas ones were shared back and forth through my extended family. One niece made a set of different sized fabric bags as a gift one year. I still use them within the family.
When my daughter was young, we stopped wrapping birthday gifts. We now set them up on the small couch in our living room, cover them with a birthday table cloth from the dollar store, and then she pulls it off on her birthday in a “big reveal." We reuse the tablecloth year after year too.
-- Birgit Nicolaisen
GON Reader Letter #3
Being Intentional With Purchases
I've been getting your emails for forever! I look forward to them every day.
I agree with your October 11th issue about accumulating stuff and how your
home should be a sanctuary, not a repository for possessions. I've found this true, especially when it comes to souvenirs. I just got back from 8 days in San Francisco and visiting multiple big tree parks, the Warf, and Alcatraz. Instead of buying souvenirs at each stop, I chose to be intentional about my purchases. I ended up
1. One potbelly coffee mug (this is one of the few things I actually collect)
2. A pair of handcrafted earrings with sequoia trees on them
3. Hubby got a long-sleeved t-shirt
Each of these items will get used a lot. They won't collect dust. And they were easy to pack and bring home.
As I search for souvenirs, I always make sure a) I will use the item and not bring it home and stuff in a drawer or cupboard, b) it must fit in my carry-on luggage and c) I must love the item.
If I can be happy and content with a picture of the item instead of purchasing it, then I snap a picture.
Of course I took a ton of pictures and I hope to organize those into a photo book too.
Thanks for the inspiration!
-- Weslie Gray