"I love the printed version of your calendar!! Last year, I took each month and marked through what I accomplished that month. It may not have been on that day it was printed, but it was on one of the days that month.
I work 55 hours a week, down from 80, so I have a lot of organizing to do! My husband and I were able to donate or sell about 55 bags or boxes of items. We threw away about that many in bags and boxes of garbage (like old taxes, other paperwork, clothes that were ruined in the attic, old shoes,
toys that were broken that we were going to fix, etc. It feels great having all that out! We actually can see about 1/4 of the attic floor now!
Being handicapped, I wasn’t able to get everything done, but getting about half
done was a great accomplishment! It felt so good to look at the calendar and mark off one more thing.
Thanks for the calendar every year!"
-- Liz S., Lenexa,
Wife, mother to a college student, and business owner
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-- Thanks! Maria