GON Reader Letter #1
Drying Your Hair Without Wasting Time
I have a quick suggestion about drying hair without wasting much time. I have long wavy hair
and when I am done washing it, I apply some styling product and then wrap my head in a long sleeved t-shirt (microfiber or cotton), folding my hair inside and then tying the sleeves around my head.
After a while, my hair is much drier and it is fast to blow dry the rest of the way. The technique is called plopping in the curly
hair community.
-- Francesca Andreone
GON Reader Letter #2
I Love Making a List to Get Things Done
I love making a list to get things done. If I am cleaning the kitchen, I list things to do such as load dishwasher, clean stove and oven, wipe down cabinets, etc.
I start by putting things that don't belong in the kitchen in a basket. I
put those items away AFTER I am finished in the kitchen.
This may sound crazy, but then I make a note by each thing on my list for the time I estimate it should take me. Then I get busy.
When it's finished, I reward myself with a book or some knitting.
-- Annette Smith
GON Reader Letter #3
I Am Determined To Get Rid of All of My Unnecessary Paperwork as It
Hi Maria,
I took care of my mom for almost 14 years. I began just 4 months after my
mom quit caretaking her mother for 13 years. Her mother lived to be 100! My mom was worn out and came under my care.
After my mom's death, I had to keep all the taxes, financial, expenses, medical records, insurance, Medicare stuff and beyond (years and years of
it!) for legal reasons and recently got the go ahead from the lawyer that I was able to start the process of getting rid of it, being that 7 years have passed since my mom death.
I miss her so much, but am happy I can part with all the paperwork. I missed the shred
day at our library due to a long awaited doctor appointment. So I sorted and shredded for no less than 30 minutes a day, up to spending entire days on some days.
My husband also helped with shredding papers I set out. I started with the non-sentimental files, like
taxes, financial, insurance, medical, and Medicare statements first.
The personal files took longer due to streamlining the family info and history that I hope to pass onto my kids.
As I've processed through years of my mom's paperwork, I am determined to make sure I get rid of all of MY unnecessary paperwork as it appears!
The biggest take-away for me was just to start! Work on one box, one file at a time.
Jan Carlton, Dahlonega, GA