GON Reader Letter #1
Before Disposing Old
Maps, Here's an Idea...
When you're disposing of old maps, a good idea is to use them as wrapping paper for presents instead!
-- Lois Danks
GON Reader Letter #2
Be Sure to Identify Old Photographs So You Know Who is In Them
Regarding this past newsletter issue,
Make sure old photographs have a key to tell who is in them. After our parents passed, we realized that we could not recognize many people in old group photos.
Also, when there
are undated photos of babies, it is difficult to determine who it is. It is amazing how much one baby in a family looks like another, even though as adults they do not look alike.
-- Janet
Redeford, Long time follower
GON Reader Letter #3
Seeing Tasks Crossed Off on Paper Boosts One's Sense of Achievement
I have found writing on paper better, versus digital, as one can see crossed-off tasks, as simple as "fill the cat feeder."
I began using a small whiteboard for these simple no-brainers, but am realizing that seeing the tasks crossed off on paper boosts ones sense of achievement...essential for those that struggle to remember if anything was actually completed for the day.
Mum started me "listing." Especially going to the doctor, write down everything so not forgotten when there, and having a notepaper on the fridge to jot grocery items as they come to mind.
--Maxine from
Victoria, Australia
GON Reader Letter #4
Do This With Extra Buttons That Come With Clothing
If you are handy with a needle, sew the
extra buttons that come with clothing onto the inside hem of the item they came with.
It will keep the button with the appropriate shirt, jacket, etc. and will give the extra button the
same number of wash cycles so it will still look like the other buttons.
-- Janet Redeford in Clarksville, IN