Welcome to the journey of a lifetime—literally! In a world where the quest for the fountain of youth never seems to end, the concept of "super agers" has
So, what exactly is a super ager? Simply said, these are individuals who seem to defy the aging process and live longer, healthier lives.
Maybe you know one? Maybe you ARE one!
So, what's the secret? It's not magic. Rather, it's a set of organized habits (and maybe some good genes) that contribute to their remarkable well-being.
Hoping to be a super ager? Here are 10 habits that can give you the best opportunity to add more vibrant years to your life.
1. Prioritize Regular Exercise: Super agers
understand the importance of staying active. Incorporate regular exercise into your routine, whether it's a daily walk, yoga, or hitting the gym.
Exercise not only keeps you
physically fit but also boosts mental well-being, contributing to a longer, more fulfilling life.
Aim for at least 30 minutes a day.
But, if you haven't exercised in years and 30 minutes sounds like too much, start small. Gentle stretching is a good way to start getting some movement into your day.
2. Nourish Your Body with a Balanced Diet: Organize your meals with a focus on nutrient-rich foods. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins provides the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs.
Your meal plates should be colorful! Bright brocolli green, orange carrots, red peppers, green kiwi...you get the idea!
Avoid processed foods as these nearly always contain excessive chemicals. Say no to sugary desserts every night. It's OK to indulge occasionally but opting for whole fresh fruit the majority of the time is the healthier choice.
3. Stay Socially Connected: Super agers often have robust social networks. Cultivate and maintain relationships with family and friends.
Regular social interactions not only bring joy but also contribute to mental health, reducing stress and promoting longevity.
Don't have a lot of
friends? It's OK. There are plenty of clubs you can join, offline and online. Make a list of your interests and join a quilting club, group exercise classes, a church group, or your local senior center.
4. Cultivate Quality Sleep: Make sleep a priority by organizing a consistent
sleep schedule. Super agers recognize the importance of quality rest for overall health.
Ensure your bedroom is a comfortable, calming space. Get rid of the clutter...visible and any hidden
under your bed, in your closet, and in dresser drawers.
Establish a bedtime routine to promote better sleep.
5. Practice Stress Management Techniques: Organize your life to minimize stress, and incorporate stress-management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or hobbies that bring joy.
Chronic stress can contribute to various health issues, so adopting healthy coping mechanisms is key to longevity.
Perhaps you enjoy reading, watching a good movie on TV, crocheting, or even scrolling through Facebook. We all need stress breaks.
6. Keep Your Brain Sharp: Engage in activities that challenge your mind. Super agers often participate in puzzles, games, or learning new skills to keep their brains active and alert. Organize your schedule to include activities that stimulate your cognitive function regularly.
A senior neighbor of mine always has three jigsaw puzzles out on three tables in her home. Anytime she wants to work on one, they're out in the open and ready!
7. Maintain Regular Health Check-ups: Prioritize preventive healthcare by scheduling regular check-ups. Super agers are proactive about their health, addressing potential issues before they become major concerns.
Stay organized with health appointments and screenings to catch problems early.
8. Limit Alcohol Intake: Super agers are mindful of their alcohol consumption. While moderate alcohol intake may have some
health benefits, excessive drinking can lead to a number of health issues.
Organize social events and gatherings with moderation in mind to support a longer, healthier
9. Quit Smoking: If you're a smoker, it's time to organize a plan to quit. Smoking is a major contributor to premature aging and a myriad of health problems.
Seek support, join a smoking cessation program, and take the necessary steps to break free from this harmful habit.
And if you know someone who smokes, encourage that person to kick the habit as well.
10. Cultivate a Positive Outlook: Finally, super agers approach life
with a positive mindset. Cultivate gratitude, practice self-love, and surround yourself with positivity.
Maintaining a sunny outlook on life can contribute to better health and
By incorporating these 10 organized habits, you'll be well on your way to embracing the super-ager mindset and giving yourself every opportunity to be a super ager yourself.
Here's to a longer, happier, and healthier you!