GON Reader Letter #1
Doing This Helps Keep the Motivation Going
Enjoyed your article about decluttering in micro sessions. One thing I found helpful is, at the end of the day, I write a list of what I DID
accomplish. Focusing on what I did, instead of what I didn't get done, helps keep the motivation going.
-- Christine Warren
GON Reader Letter
My Methods for Keeping Track of Food in My Freezer
Just thought I would share my
methods of keeping track of food in my freezer. I have an upright freezer which I love! First of all, I label and date everything that goes in. I also keep a
list of everything in the freezer under headings like poultry, beef, pork, seafood, and miscellaneous.
I date the list and keep it with my freezer. As things are added or removed, I update the list. I try to use up the older items first.
Things do get messy though, so I empty out the
freezer every six months, clean it, rearrange all items and redo my list.
It really doesn't take a lot of time to keep it in tip top shape.
Thanks for all your great tips, Maria. I am sure some of the above came from you over the years!
-- Eileen from Ontario
GON Reader Letter #3
A Great Tip to Remove Laundry Stains
Hello Maria! Thank you for the great words of wisdom every day! I'm always learning new ways to do things far more effectively and efficiently!
In the October 4th issue on laundry tips, I have one to add. On any greasy, tomato based, or blood stains, I wet the area then add a small (or large as needed) drop of Dawn Dish Soap and then rub. This soap is gentle on all fabrics and usually gets the job done in one treatment. As the ad goes "I put that "stuff" on everything!" -- Nina in Alberta, Canada