"Hi Maria,
I have been reading your newsletters for 20 years. Today’s
(September 10th issue) was off-the-chart motivating, exciting and exactly what I needed right now.
I have been hanging onto boxes and boxes of my dear mom’s things from her house since she passed in
2010. They have gone to two different storage units (which is costly) and now they are in our basement.
Looking at them as a whole has been too overwhelming to even attack. So I finally picked one box and inside were my
mom’s tax returns since 1989! I got rid of them all and moved to the next box. I felt so much lighter!
My husband is so encouraging. He went out and bought me a dozen new tote boxes to keep the things that I couldn’t part
with. I have now gone through 15 boxes but have only filled up 3 totes. I was also happy to find useful things that I have incorporated into my everyday life.
Years of your advice and encouragement has gotten me to the organized person I am today. But I needed that extra boost from today’s
newsletter to keep pressing on. Thank you!"
-- Vanessa Thomas, Murfreesboro, TN
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-- Thanks! Maria